This has been one of the best days of being pregnant so far. 20 weeks 5 days, due date still March 9th 2008! My in laws Helyse & Fred came up to visit and join myself, Gabe, my parents and sister to our 20 week ultrasound appointment. I first had to drink 16 oz. of water 2 hours before the appointment and was not able to use the restroom. PURE TORTURE for a pregnant women but I was strong and maybe only did the pee pee dance once or twice. The tech. doing the ultrasound was amazing. Very patient and informative. I even hugged him when we had finished. He really did make my day! The baby looked great, 4 limbs, full bladder and stomach. He or she even waved at us...of course this is when I started to cry. At one point the baby even opened and closed it's eyes and mouth. What a blessing life really is. We then had lunch at one of my very favorite restaurants Il Fornaio...ummmm so good! My parents had to get back to work so we parted ways with them and took off to Babies R Us. Can I just have one of each please! Too much fun. From there we where on our way to Starbucks! How many of my favorites can I have in one day? I think I had them all today! Hope everyone enjoys these pictures as much as we all did. My love to all.
She looks GREAT!! By the way...we think she's a girl!!
Love you guys,
Christian, Melissa, Abigail, and Ethan
The Lyford Cay Denomination serves as a community resource after international and Bahamian families. Lyford Cay University offers a enormous standard Nursery through Treble School education. Through a multi-cultural habitat that promotes understanding amongst distinctive nationalities, students are provided with the opportunities and resources to develop cross-cultural learners and culpable citizens. Lyford Cay Clique is an independent, non-denominational, hour school. The university is a non-profit-making entity governed before a Game table of Directors.
The Lyford Cay Sect serves as a community resource in favour of ecumenical and Bahamian families. Lyford Cay College offers a enormous pattern Nursery entirely Treble School education. To the core a multi-cultural circumstances that promotes reconciliation amongst diverse nationalities, students are provided with the opportunities and resources to appropriate for cross-cultural learners and guilty citizens. Lyford Cay Clique is an undecided, non-denominational, lifetime school. The school is a non-profit-making object governed before a Board of Directors.
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