Thursday, December 25, 2008
Noah's 1st Christmas!
Santa came! Noah's first Christmas was the best one I have had since I was a child. As you can see from the photos below Santa brought Noah lots of new toys and books. He played and played and played some more. He was truly such a joy to watch all day! I cannot wait till next year already...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Let the races begin!
My world as I have known it for the past 10 months is gone. Noah has started crawling!
Monday, December 22, 2008
UH OH...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
1st Hanukkah!
Noah has now celebrated his first Hanukkah! We had Hanukkah dinner at Savta's house where Noah tried out some of my matzo ball soup and potato latkes. He liked both but then again Savta's are the best! We lit the menorah together, and opened a lot of really nice gifts...THANKS EVERYONE! HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's been awhile...
I know, I know...so very sorry. It has been forever it seems that I have made any postings on here. With that said...I will get right to it. Noah is now going on 10 months old. Where has this year gone? He has 5 teeth (2 on bottom and 3 on top). He is such a big boy and didn't even fuss while they where coming in. God bless this child of mine! He has been sitting up on his own since he was 6 months old. Not crawling yet but he is getting around. He loves to play, smile and laugh a lot. My dad calls him "the best hanger outer." He loves to be out and about. We go for walks everyday either in our neighborhood to Starbucks or in Downtown Davis. My parents take him out to lunch a few times a week while I am at the gym and loves every second of it. He even flirts with strangers at other tables! A ham is what he is! Please enjoy some photos below and I will try to be a better blogger and post more often...maybe even once a week...

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