Noah's 3rd week home!
Everyone had to get back to work this past week so my son and I got to spend a lot of time really getting to know one another. We sure miss daddy though and really look forward to when he comes home from work. Gabe bathed him this weekend for his first time and did it like a pro. He is still enjoying his bath time and we will probably actually put him in water this coming week as his boo boo's are healing nicely. Noah loves to lay on my chest and have is back rubbed. He will just lay there all content just looking up at me with his wide eyes while I talk to him. I do think his eye site is getting better as he follows objects a little and tries to move his head in the direction of my voice. He also seems to see the bright colored pictures on the walls and looks up at his mobile in his crib. He is getting more vocal, letting me know when he is hungry or just plain had enough of something. Let me tell you, it is hard not to pick him up though every time he cries. I am doing me best to not spoil him too much but it is such a wonderful feeling when you can just touch him and he calms down. He knows who his mama is! Our love to all and keep checking back!

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